The Chuuk-based Fanapi Center now has a US-based fundraising entity known as the Fanapi Foundation. Founded by Vid Raatior and a team of volunteer Advisory Board, the Fanapi Foundation’s mission is “to raise funds and provide technical assistance to support the Fanapi Center’s mission to promote self-reliance among the underserved outer islanders living in the remote Northwest region of Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia.”
Fanapi Foundation was approved on December 5, 2013 as a sponsored program of the United Charitable Programs (UCP) – a registered 501(c)3 public charity nonprofit organization headquartered near Washington, DC. As a fiscal sponsored project of UCP, the Foundation is legally approved to accept tax deductible contributions from US donors to carry out its mission of supporting the Fanapi Center.
Having a 501(c)3 status through UCP is a great move towards raising funds for the Chuuk-based Fanapi Center as most American corporations or foundations can only donate to federally registered public charity organizations. The Fanapi Foundation is poised to enter the year 2013 with vigor to help raise awareness to the needs out in the outer islands of Chuuk.
To donate to Fanapi Foundation, you can write a check made payable to “UCP / Fanapi Foundation) and send to Fanapi Foundation, 700 Kaulele Place, Hilo, HI 96720 or online to the Fanapi Foundation account through the UCP website.